LCD Displaying system temperature    LCD Displaying torrent status

I previously had posted on how to communicate with an Arduino and display messages on an LCD using python. And I’ve been working on Raspberry Pi as well, setting it as a torrent box.

So I thought of hooking up these two together so that the LCD can display the torrent status. I also added two buttons so that I can scroll through the list of torrents. The Arduino is connected to the RPi via the USB, and the Arduino is powered by an external AV adapter. Initially I thought this will be unsafe, but apparently it is safe to do so (,22132.0.html, The LCD also displays the current system temperature.

The source code the the python program and the Arduino can be accessed at:

Other Resources:

2 thoughts on “Raspberry Pi and Arduino LCD

  1. Hi Janith,

    I recently bought a Raspberry Pi and tried both XBMC and Debian and few Python scripts to grab Gmail and print in the terminal…
    But I really like to interfere with HDMI (Video), I want to print top 10 emails on the TV monitor while I watch a movie or something…
    I can’t think of a start, pls let me know if you get an idea…


  2. Hi Mahesh,
    One method that I can think of is to write a small web application (can be easily done with python that will pull the emails and show it nicely on a webpage. Then you can open up the web browser, and set it to run full screen and display your email web application.
    I have done a similar project to display RPi’s temperature over the web. (

    Some other options are discussed here:

    Hope this helps

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